Culture · Lifestyle

Happy New Year: Mi Goals


While the year is still new I’d like to wish you all a very happy new year. I hope the year the year has been treating you right so far.

I’d also like to say a big thank you to everyone who has liked my blog posts and clicked the follow button. I really appreciate you all for taking interest in what I have to share.

Although I’m not big on new year resolutions since I tend to never follow through on my resolutions, I do believe in setting goals regardless of what time of the year it is. As long as you have something in mind that you want to accomplish, it must be broken down and made clear in order to achieve it and I definitely believe in writing the vision down and making it clear.

After being inspired by the 2015 Intentions post i reblogged from Relaxed Hair Health I started thinking about the things that I want to do to better myself in 2015 and beyond.

My list consisted of:

Actually getting my driver’s license

Taking better care of myself

Establish my niche through the growth of my blog

Get a better grip on my finances

I was able to break down the How? Why? and When? of each of those intentions with the help of my trusty Mi Goals Notebook.

I came across the notebook via Care For Your Hair and after checking out what the Australian based company had to offer I ordered my very own notebook. This notebook allows me to break down 15 goals, which had me thinking since it’s 2015 I might just actually try my hand at completing 15 goals.I’ll also be sharing the fruition of my goal setting via this blog so watch this space.





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